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mlinfra comes with the promise of deployment of MLOps stacks across all popular and available cloud providers. For each cloud provider, mlinfra aims to cover the following deployments (if ofcourse the deployment type is supported by the cloud provider):

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service ( IaaS )
  • Platform-as-a-Service ( PaaS )

Deployment Environments

As already mentioned, mlinfra is currently under active development. There is a two way relationship between cloud and mlops tools with deployments which can be depicted via: MLOps-Tools Deployment Type Cloud Providers

We use the following statuses to denote the availability of deployments across Cloud providers and MLOps toolings.

Status Meaning
No deployment type is available yet
IaaS deployment is available
PaaS deployment is available
Both, IaaS and PaaS deployments are available

Cloud Platforms

Cloud Deployment Type Available
Digital Ocean Cloud
IBM Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
Oracle Cloud
Hetzner Cloud


Local deployment is only possible on local k8s platforms

Local Deployment Type Available

MLOps Stacks

Data Versioning

Tool AWS GCP Azure Digital Ocean Cloud IBM Cloud Alibaba Cloud Oracle Cloud Hetzner Cloud
Tool k3s kind

The details on the rest of the roadmap would be shared soon!g